Series 3000 Adjustable Blade

Series 3000 Adjustable Blade Louvres


  • Designed for either single louvre use in small openings or multiple louvre applications in larger openings where the vertical mullions are to be features.
  • Can be stacked in banks with the proper supporting steelwork to provide a large louvre opening area.
  • Ruggedly and accurately made
  • Wide variety of materials and finishes enables the designer to blend or contrast the louvres with the surrounding materials to achieve the desired architectural effect.

Coefficient of Discharge:

  • Series 3000 Standard Blade Types 3140 & 3160: 0.63
  • Series 3000 Weather Resistant Blade Types 3540 & 3560: 0.68
  • Robertson Series 3000 Operating louvers are factory assembled units available in a wide variety of materials.
Standard blade Weather resistant blade
No. of Inter. Blades Type 3140 100 Deep Type 31 60 150 Deep Type 3540 100 Deep Type 3560 150 Deep
2 500 710 639 846
3 635 875 779 1036
4 750 1040 919 1226
5 865 1205 1059 1416
6 980 1370 1199 1606
7 1095 1535 13399 1796
8 1210 1700 1479 1986
9 1325 1865 1619 2176
10 1440 2030 1759 2366
11 1555 2195 1899 2556
12 1670 2360 2039 2746
13 1785 2525 2179 2936
14 1900 2690 2319 3126

Typical Cross Section Standard Blade

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Content Updated: 02/17